CLOSED. only 1 production entered this competition, fuck you. check for winner signed, robert kubala 100Euro compo boop/pine vyhlasuje 100Euro compo v kategorii §demo§ nevazane na jakoukoliv existujici demoparty dotovane 100Euro zamyslene jako podpora tvurci cinnosti demosceny v .42 regionu. wake up or die. pravidla: aby byl vas prispevek bran v potaz MUSI splnovat tato pravidla: -max velikost 1.4mb unpacked -w9x kompaktibilni aby byl vas prispevek bran v potaz MEL BY splnovat tato pravidla: -prubeh dema determinovan 'nahodnymi' cisly v mire rozpoznatelne nasimi smysly, tj. demo vypada pokazde alespon trochu jinak. nemennost hudebni slozky jsem ochoten akceptovat. /kdyz pujde pustit pozpatku, mate u mne pivo :)/ -w9x kompaktibilni :]] (mam dos+gus, ale pokud na to chcete balit zenske, tak stejne MUSITE prejit na aby nas vas prispevek smetl ze zidli udelejte toto :] -za 30e kupte prava na jakoukoliv skladbu ae -za 30e najmete thedesignersrepublic -za 30e vam j.g.ballard rad napise libreto -a pokud to naprogramujete sami, tak vam 10e zbyde do hospody -vynechejte klasicka greets, vsechna zbytecna slova vyhodte, nechte jen ta, ktera nesou myslenku a jez nese typografie. -nerendenujte picoviny bez duvodu. rozhodci, sudi, uplatni zmrdi: adamm, boop, kakan, kala, prook, zden. reference: mfx:super luxus lemmen paketti. replay: broken heart, forms mindforce: rise, 3state:antimoney jasne, pop. cena: 100euro. prvni misto bere vsechno, druhy&treti maji u mne nejaka piva, ktera si muzou vybrat na nejake demoparty. deadline: 1.kvetna 2k-46 atd: organizator si vyhrazuje pravo neudelit prvni cenu kdyz pocet prispevku nepresahne cislo 3 a jejich uroven nedovoli porote prohlasit jeden z nich za viteze. bude-li prispevku vic, i eventualni mizerna kvalita produktu nebude brana v potaz a prvni cena bude udelena jednookemu krali. boop/pine, obcanskym jmenem robert kubala, se zavazuje vyplatit 100e tomu/tem, jejichz dilo vyhovujici vyse sepsanym pravidlum bude cleny poroty uznano za nejkvalitnejsi. transfer penez probehne do 5 pracovnich dni od vyhlaseni vysledku. hezky den. robert 'boop' kubala, organizator. ================================================================================== ================================================================================== 100Euro compo nglsh.vrsn boop/pine decided to organize a 100Euro compo in 'demo' category, not aligned with any existing demoparty meant as an act of support of a dying scene in .42region. 1st price is obvious, 100Euro, rules follow. rules: to make us think about judging your production, you HAVE to: -make it fit under 1.4mb limit unpacked. -w9x friendly to make us think about judging your production, you SHOULD: -enable the support of randomity, make a demo look at least a bit different every time you watch it -win9X friendly :)) i have gus+dos but the girls you wanna date know nothing about cleanboot, and you'd done everything for girls, right? to make us spit beer on the keybord in delight, you SHOULD: -buy rights to use whichever track done by ae for 30E -allow guys @ thedesignersrepublic to design your prod /30E will do/ -ask j.g.ballard to write libreto for additional 30E -if you manage to code the thing yourself, you'll have 10E to spare in a pub -leave classic greets behind, throw out all the words you dont need for fulfiling the concept and that are not slaves of typography. -dont render bollocks without a reason judges, referees, give-us-money-and-we-will-vote-you-high guys. adamm/goodstuff, boop/pine, kakan/love, kala/pine, prook/pine, zden/satori references: mfx:super luxus lemmen paketti. replay: broken heart, forms mindforce: rise, 3state:antimoney yeah, pop. prices: 100Euro. winner takes all. guys on 2nd and 3rd place may expect some beer supply when we'll meet. deadline: 01.05.02 etc: organizer declares a right to cancel the compo if the number of demos doesnt reach #3 and their quality wouldnt allow judges to vote none of those to be a winner. when the number of participating productions reaches/overcomes #4, the winner will definitely be chosen even if to the oneeye king. boop/pine, robert kubala to be formal, is ready to pay 100E to whoever submits the production fitting the rules and happens to win the competition. money transfer tech details will be discussed with the very person and money itself will be sent/shiped withing 5 days after announcing the official results. have a nice day. robert 'boop' kubala, organizer.